Posted By KAC on June 17, 2013
2013 was another fantastic year at Premier. Not so much with Mals & Sammies, although we did have some success there as well. This year it was Romeo (PWD) and Nitro (Aussie) who excelled.
Nitro wowed us all by winning the Mid-Lakes Australian Shepherd Club Specialty on Wednesday and then won BOB Friday & Saturday, followed by a well-deserved Group 1 on Friday and making the cut (final 6) on Saturday.
Romeo had a great time dock jumping with 6 splashes & qualifying for the Total Dog Competition. He went on to win the Gun Dog Group and RESERVE BEST IN SHOW TOTAL DOG!!! Yahoooo! He also made it into the Top 10 Finals of 20 dogs from the hundreds of Top 10 dogs entered. On Wednesday he won the Breed at the Parade of Portugal Specialty Show under a Portuguese FCI judge & went on to win BEST IN SPECIALTY!! He won Breed at Premier in the two shows he competed in and made the cut in Group on Saturday.

Category: UKC Shows |
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Tags: 2013, Aussie, Mals, Nitro, Pearl, PWD, Romeo, Sammy, Vega, Yentna
Posted By KAC on May 3, 2013
It seems that I have omitted some of our significant wins in the late spring/early summer :(. One HUGE win was Skye’s BISS at the Canadian National Specialty in Thunder Bay back in May!!! She also won Best Veteran in Sweeps. How could I have forgotten to add that to our show wins? We also have had Romeo here for a while & within the first 6 shows we took him to he became an AKC Champion! Solo was also at the Thunder Bay shows and came away with a Group 1 with VERY stiff competition.

Category: AKC Shows, CKC Shows |
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Tags: 2012, BIS, Malamutes, PWD, Romeo, Sammies, Skye, Solo
Posted By KAC on August 16, 2012
Wow, what a weekend at the Silver City K9 Shows on the 11th/12th August!!! Tycho won 3 (YES three!!!) BIMBS wins with Solo winning the 4th, beating Tycho to 2nd place in the group! There was also a Best of the Best award for all the BIMBS winners over the weekend & with the only two dogs in the competition, they tossed a coin! No, they did actually assess our two lovely boys & decided that Tycho was the winner (Yeah). Photos to follow once they arrive :).
Category: UKC Shows |
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Tags: 2012, BIS, Malamutes, Sammies, Solo, Tycho
Posted By KAC on July 30, 2012
At the Carnation City shows in Ohio, Pearl won a BIMBS with Tycho and Romeo both winning a Reserve over the weekend. Nice weekend & Romeo is looking pretty cool these days :).
Category: UKC Shows |
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Tags: 2012, BIS, Malamutes, Pearl, PWD, Romeo, Sammies, Tycho
Posted By KAC on July 17, 2012
July Garden State Kennel Club shows combined with the GL Boxer Club & Romeo and Tycho both came home with big ribbons :). Tycho won 2 x RBIMBS as well as a BIMBS while our Romeo won his GunDog group at every show and 2 RBIMBS wins!! Yay Romeo.
Category: UKC Shows |
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Tags: 2012, Malamutes, PWD, Romeo, Tycho
Posted By KAC on July 1, 2012
On our way home from our annual trip up to visit old friends & participate in the CVKC shows in Quebec. Happy to report that Nitro won a Group 4 yesterday and Tycho won a Group 4 today :).

Ps. Happy Canada Day!!!!
Category: CKC Shows |
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Tags: 2012, Malamutes, Nitro, Tycho
Posted By KAC on June 25, 2012
As of 31st May, Tycho is the CC stats #1 Malamute on breed points & #3 on all-breed points!! Always owner/breeder handled, we are so proud of our boy & send huge thanks to all the judges that rewarded him & all his supporters.
Skye is also in the Top 20, at #13 on breed points!
Canine Chronicle Stats
Category: AKC Shows |
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Tags: Malamutes, Tycho
Posted By KAC on June 25, 2012
We had a FANTASTIC time at the UKC shows of the year. Despite a disappointing result in the Top 10 competition (Tycho did win breed but went no further, and Pearl did win the Award of Excellence), we did very well in the Premier shows. We started off on Friday winning the breed with Romeo who went on to make the cut in the Gun Dog group. Pearl won Reserve Champion and Tycho won BOB followed by a Group 1 & culminating in a BIS win :-). Woohoo! What a thrill! Oh MY!!!
Saturday was a bit of a disaster but Romeo & Pearl did win their champion classes for another grand champion point each and Nitro won an AOM in the grand champion class. Romeo also qualified for Total Dog & went on to win a Group 3 in the total dog competition. Go Romeo!
On to Sunday and once again Romeo won the breed & made the cut in the group. Pearl won Reserve Champion while Solo shone winning BOB. Tycho also won BOB. In the Northern Group we walked away with a 1 – 2! Tycho won a group 1 with Solo pulling a 2nd place :). On to BIS, where Tycho once again wowed us all by winning RBIS! Golleeee, what an amazing Premier in 2012!!

Category: UKC Shows |
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Tags: Malamutes, Nitro, Pearl, PWD, Romeo, Sammies, Solo, Tycho
Posted By KAC on June 15, 2012

Last night at the ASC of Michigan, Nitro won WD & BOW for a 3 point major.

Category: ASCA Shows |
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Tags: 2012, Nitro
Posted By KAC on June 2, 2012
We had a wonderful time at the HRKC shows in May. Little Io astounded us by winning BIMBS three times and became a UKC champion. Romeo did very well, becoming a UKC champion in just 4 shows and placing in the group very show including winning one group. Pearly-Pearl also did well, winning RBIMBS.

Category: UKC Shows |
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Tags: 2012, BIS, Champion, Io, Malamutes, Pearl, PWD, Romeo, Sammies