BIMBS for Pearl! Reserves for Tycho & Romeo…

| July 30, 2012


At the Carnation City shows in Ohio, Pearl won a BIMBS with Tycho and Romeo both winning a Reserve over the weekend. Nice weekend & Romeo is looking pretty cool these days :).

BIMBS for Tycho; RBIMBS for Romeo

| July 17, 2012


July Garden State Kennel Club shows combined with the GL Boxer Club & Romeo and Tycho both came home with big ribbons :). Tycho won 2 x RBIMBS as well as a BIMBS while our Romeo won his GunDog group at every show and 2 RBIMBS wins!! Yay Romeo.

Tycho & Nitro each win a Group 4 in Canada

| July 1, 2012


On our way home from our annual trip up to visit old friends & participate in the CVKC shows in Quebec. Happy to report that Nitro won a Group 4 yesterday and Tycho won a Group 4 today :). Ps. Happy Canada Day!!!!