Nyrakym & Samaljankan Malamutes
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If you could spend just a few minutes to fill out this form it will make the process of matching the right dog with the right owner easier on all of us. Please fill in as much of the form as you can with as much detail as possible. It is very important for us to find the right homes for our puppies and it is important for you to ensure you have the right dog for you and your family. A Malamute is a large, active dog & needs love, companionship and special care & attention if he/she is going to be a good canine citizen. A mismatch between dog and owner will only result in heartache & upset for you and the dog. We also sell our puppies with a comprehensive contract - we strongly recommend you read this contract prior to contacting us as it will answer a number of your questions.

Contract - PDF

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Please click on Submit, at the end, when you have finished.

E-mail Address:
Home Address:

Further details:

Do you have a fenced, dog-proof yard?

Please give details of yard, exercise area or kennel that will be provided for your dog:

Are you aware of the exercise and grooming requirements of a Malamute?

How much exercise do you plan on giving your dog? Please indicate type and amount (eg. 1-hour walks twice a day in local woods).

How often do you plan on grooming your Malamute?

What do you plan on doing with your Malamute? Please select all that apply (use "control+click" to select more than one activity).

Do you currently own, or have you previously owned, a Malamute?

If yes, please give details - age, male/female (spayed/neutered?), characteristics, reason for loss (if no longer with you):

If no, what attracted you to this breed (please select the main reason)?

(please indicate below)
(please give details)
(please give details)
/several reasons (please specify)

Are you aware of the unique nature and characteristics of the Malamute?

Please describe the Alaskan Malamute's nature & characteristics:

Do you currently own, or have you previously owned, dogs?

If yes, please give details (breed(s), male/female (and spayed/neutered?), current or previous, age, etc.):

Do you currently own, or have you previously owned other pets?

If yes, please give details (what kind, how many, current or previous):

What is your current family situation?

Please give details of any children or elderly relatives living with you (including ages) and any likely changes in status:

What is your age?
Partner's age?

Does anyone in your family suffer from allergies to dogs/dust/dander?
Yes         No

Will there be someone home with your puppy every day?

Please give further details:

Where will your Malamute spend most of his/her time while living with you?

During the day

or a companion
(please specify)

At night

or a companion
(please specify)

What training were you intending to give your Malamute (please select all that apply)?

Please ask us if you are not sure what these are or would like more information. We strongly recommend taking your puppy to puppy socialisation classes and also basic obedience - this helps you and your puppy to bond and have fun together.

Please provide the names and contact details (phone number/e-mail address/mailing address) of two unrelated adults who can provide references for you:

Do you have any preference for colour, gender or other qualities? If so, please give details:

Please note that we cannot guarantee that your preferences for colour or gender will be met - we try to match the character of the puppy with the new owners so that all can live happily together for many years. We hope you understand, if not please look elsewhere for your puppy.

If you have any questions or comments, here is your chance.....

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